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Cross section files

The crosssection module provides the specific logic for accessing cross section files (location and definition) for a D-Flow FM model. Generic parsing and serializing functionality comes from the generic hydrolib.core.dflowfm.ini modules.

The cross section files are represented by the classes below.


CircleCrsDef (CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=circle, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the circle input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.1.

CrossDefGeneral (INIGeneral) pydantic-model

The crosssection definition file's [General] section with file meta data.

CrossDefModel (INIModel) pydantic-model

The overall crosssection definition model that contains the contents of one crossdef file.

This model is typically referenced under a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.


Name Type Description
general CrossdefGeneral

[General] block with file metadata.

definition List[CrossSectionDefinition]

List of [Definition] blocks for all cross sections.

CrossLocGeneral (INIGeneral) pydantic-model

The crosssection location file's [General] section with file meta data.

CrossLocModel (INIModel) pydantic-model

The overall crosssection location model that contains the contents of one crossloc file.

This model is typically referenced under a FMModel.geometry.crosslocfile.


Name Type Description
general CrossLocGeneral

[General] block with file metadata.

crosssection List[CrossSection]

List of [CrossSection] blocks for all cross section locations.

CrossSection (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [CrossSection] block for use inside a crosssection location file, i.e., a CrossLocModel.


Name Type Description
id str

Unique cross-section location id.

branchid str

Branch on which the cross section is located.

chainage str

Chainage on the branch (m).

x str

x-coordinate of the location of the cross section.

y str

y-coordinate of the location of the cross section.

shift float

Vertical shift of the cross section definition [m]. Defined positive upwards.

definitionid str

Id of cross section definition.

validate_that_location_specification_is_correct(values: Dict) -> Dict classmethod

Validates that the correct location specification is given.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def validate_that_location_specification_is_correct(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Validates that the correct location specification is given."""
    return validate_location_specification(
            validate_node=False, validate_num_coordinates=False
        fields=LocationValidationFieldNames(x_coordinates="x", y_coordinates="y"),

CrossSectionDefinition (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [Definition] block for use inside a crosssection definition file, i.e., a CrossDefModel.

This class is intended as an abstract class: various subclasses should define they actual types of crosssection definitions.

validate(v) classmethod

Try to initialize subclass based on the type field. This field is compared to each type field of the derived models of CrossSectionDefinition. The derived model with an equal crosssection definition type will be initialized.


Type Description

When the given type is not a known crosssection definition type.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def validate(cls, v):
    """Try to initialize subclass based on the `type` field.
    This field is compared to each `type` field of the derived models of `CrossSectionDefinition`.
    The derived model with an equal crosssection definition type will be initialized.

        ValueError: When the given type is not a known crosssection definition type.

    # should be replaced by discriminated unions once merged
    if isinstance(v, dict):
        for c in cls.__subclasses__():
            if (
                == v.get("type", "").lower()
                v = c(**v)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Type of {cls.__name__} with id={v.get('id', '')} and type={v.get('type', '')} is not recognized."
    return super().validate(v)

RectangleCrsDef (CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=rectangle, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the rectangle input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.2.

XYZCrsDef (YZCrsDef, CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=xyz, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the xyz input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.5.

This class extends the YZCrsDef class with x-coordinates and an optional branchId field. Most other attributes are inherited, but the coordcount is overridden under the Pydantic alias "xyzCount".


Name Type Description
yzcount Optional[int]

dummy attribute that should not be set nor used. Only present to mask the inherited attribute from parent class YZCrsDef.

xyzcount int

Number of XYZ-coordinates. Always use this instead of yzcount.

check_list_lengths_coordinates(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the xcoordinates, ycoordinates and zcoordinates field are as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_lengths_coordinates(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the xcoordinates, ycoordinates and zcoordinates field are as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(

validate_xyzcount_without_yzcount(field_value: int, values: dict) -> int classmethod

Validates whether this XYZCrsDef does have attribute xyzcount, but not the parent class's yzcount.


Name Type Description Default
field_value Optional[Path]

Value given for xyzcount.

values dict

Dictionary of values already validated.



Type Description

When yzcount is present.


Type Description

The value given for xyzcount.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def validate_xyzcount_without_yzcount(cls, field_value: int, values: dict) -> int:
    Validates whether this XYZCrsDef does have attribute xyzcount,
    but not the parent class's yzcount.

        field_value (Optional[Path]): Value given for xyzcount.
        values (dict): Dictionary of values already validated.

        ValueError: When yzcount is present.

        int: The value given for xyzcount.
    # Retrieve the algorithm value (if not found use 0).
    yzcount_value = values.get("yzcount")
    if field_value is not None and yzcount_value is not None:
        # yzcount should not be set, when xyzcount is set.
        raise ValueError(
            f"xyz cross section definition should not contain field yzCount (rather: xyzCount), current value: {yzcount_value}."
    return field_value

YZCrsDef (CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=yz, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the yz input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.6.

check_list_length_frictionpositions(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the frictionpositions field is as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_length_frictionpositions(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the frictionpositions field is as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(
        length_incr=1,  # 1 extra for frictionpositions

check_list_lengths_coordinates(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the ycoordinates and zcoordinates fields are as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_lengths_coordinates(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the ycoordinates and zcoordinates fields are as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(

check_list_lengths_friction(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the frictionids, frictiontypes and frictionvalues field are as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_lengths_friction(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the frictionids, frictiontypes and frictionvalues field are as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(

ZWCrsDef (CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=zw, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the zw input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.4.

check_list_lengths(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the levels, flowwidths and totalwidths fields are as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_lengths(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the levels, flowwidths and totalwidths fields are as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(

ZWRiverCrsDef (CrossSectionDefinition) pydantic-model

Crosssection definition with type=zwRiver, to be included in a crossdef file. Typically inside the definition list of a FMModel.geometry.crossdeffile.definition[..]

All lowercased attributes match with the zwRiver input as described in UM Sec.C.16.1.3.

check_list_lengths(values) classmethod

Validates that the length of the levels, flowwidths and totalwidths fields are as expected.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/crosssection/
def check_list_lengths(cls, values):
    """Validates that the length of the levels, flowwidths and totalwidths fields are as expected."""
    return validate_correct_length(
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