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First steps

Let's import and create a first model.

from import FlowDirection, StructureModel, Weir
from import FMModel

fm = FMModel()
fm.filepath = "test.mdu"

Add some structures, note this is invalid because it doesn't have a branch or coordinates yet, but it will work for demo purposes

struc = Weir(branchId='someBranch', chainage = 123.0, allowedflowdir=FlowDirection.none, crestlevel=0.0)
struc.comments.crestlevel = "This is a comment"
fm.geometry.structurefile = [StructureModel(structure=[struc])]
Note that the creation of a Weir and other models always require the use of keyword arguments. A ValidationError will be raised when the model isn't correct or complete, for instance, in the case that StructureModel was assigned directly to structurefile instead of as a list.

Now let's add this model to a DIMR config and save it.

from import DIMR, FMComponent
from pathlib import Path

dimr = DIMR()
    FMComponent(name="test", workingDir=".", inputfile=fm.filepath, model=fm)
The save on the top of the model hierarchy will result in saves of all child models, so this results in four files (dimr_config.xml,, structures.ini,test.mdu) in the working directory.

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