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Loading and Saving within HYDROLIB-core

This article describes the architectural choices of saving and loading, if you are looking for how to save, please refer to the tutorials.

The motivation of HYDROLIB-core is to provide a python library to interact with the D-HYDRO suite files. These files generally form a sort of tree structure, with a single root model (generally a DIMR or an FM model), and different layers of child models which are referenced in their parent models. These child models can either be referenced relative to their parent models or with absolute file paths. This leads to potentially complex model structures, which need to be read and written correctly by HYDROLIB-core without any changes to either the contents or the structure.

This article discusses the architectural choices made when designing the read and write capabalities, as well as the considerations that should be taken when implementing your own models. As such we will discuss the following topics:

  • Motivation: HYDROLIB-core should not adjust files when reading and writing
  • Structure of Models
  • Loading Models: Resolving the tree structure with the FileLoadContext
  • Saving Models: Traversing the model tree with the ModelTreeTraverser
  • Extensions: Caveats to ensure your model plays nice with HYDROLIB-core

Motivation: HYDROLIB-core should not adjust files when reading and writing

When implementing the model read and write behaviour of HYDROLIB-core, the main motivation is to ensure models are read and written as is. Properties should not be adjusted nor dropped when reading or writing (unless there is a very clear reason to do so). This behaviour should extend to the way the tree structure of the models is handled. Therefor, file paths, stored in the filepath property, which are not explicitly set to be absolute are kept relative and resolved while reading or writing.

This comes at the cost that the file location of a child model is not explicitly defined without the root model it is part of. Within the current implementation, child models have no reference to their parent. This eases the bookkeeping when building your models in memory, however it also means that it is not possible to resolve the absolute path of a child model without also providing the root model it is part of. This behaviour is further documented in the following sections. In order to alleviate this shortcoming, each file model keeps track of its save location, which can be synchronized with the file path of the root model, if this is required.

Loading Models: Resolving the tree structure with the FileLoadContext

In order to load a model from disk, we need to call the appropriate constructor with a file path to an existing model file. The constructor will then ensure the model, and its child models are read. Multiple references to the same sub-model will reference the same sub-model after reading.

Current Behaviour: Root models are read through the constructor while caching sub-models

Currently, a model is loaded by calling the constructor with the filepath of the input file. HYDROLIB-core will then load the model as well as any children. Every child will only be read once, multiple references to the same child in the input files will result in references to the same child model in memory. When reading the model and its children, the file structure will be kept intact. Any models with absolute paths will still reference the same absolute paths, while models with relative paths will also have the same relative paths as within the original file.

Architectural Choices: The tree structure is resolved with the FileLoadContext

In order to properly resolve the model tree, we need to be able to keep track of the current parent of a model, as well as a way to store and retrieve read models. Both of these tasks are handled by the FileLoadContext. The context can be used to resolve relative paths by keeping track of the current parent folder of a model. It also provides a cache for read models, which files are not read more than once.

A single FileLoadContext is created at the start of the constructor of the root model as a context variable. Subsequent child models can then reference this FileLoadContext, by retrieving this same FileLoadContext. A convenience context manager is provided through the file_load_context() method in the

The constructor of the filepath performs the following tasks:

  1. Request the context.
  2. Register itself within the model cache with its file path.
  3. Store the absolute file path anchor (i.e. the absolute path to its parent)
  4. Resolve its absolute path, to read from.
  5. Update the current parent directory.
  6. Read all the model data including sub-models.
  7. Remove itself as a parent directory.

Because the constructor recursively reads child models, and the data is only read after the current parent directory has been updated, the child models will correctly resolve their resolve their relative paths.

The FileModel further overrides its __new__. During the __new__ call, it will verify if the current (resolved) filepath which is being read, has already been defined in the file model cache. If it is, then this instance will be returned, instead of creating a new instance through the __init__. This ensures no duplicates are created.

Saving Models: Traversing the model tree with the ModelTreeTraverser

Currently, the save function on the FileModel offers the following options:

  • filepath: Allows the user to set a new file path. If none is defined, the current file path will be used.
  • recurse: A flag indicating whether only this model needs to be saved, or also it child models.

As such it is possible to store both individual models, as well as model trees.

When saving a model, it will be stored at the save_location. If recurse is true, then the child model will be evaluated with regards to the root model. This may lead to some inconsistencies, especially with the deprecated pathsRelativeToParent set to false in the FlowFM model. As such care needs to be taken by the user.

The save_location of relative child models will NOT be automatically updated when the parent filepath is updated. If such an update is required the user is expected to call synchronize_filepaths on the parent model.


For writing the models to file, as well as other operations, we need to be able to traverse the model tree. In order to do so, the ModelTreeTraverser is provided. It can be configured with the following 4 functions:

  • should_traverse: Evaluates whether to traverse to the provided BaseModel.
  • should_execute: Determines whether the traverse functions are executed for the given model.
  • pre_traverse_func: Function called with the current model before traversal into the children, i.e. top-down behaviour.
  • post_traverse_func: Function called with the current model after traversal into the children, i.e. bottom-up behaviour.

All functions receive an accumulator, which flows through the program and is finally returned to the caller. This can be used to store state in between calls to traverse or to build an output value while traversing the model tree.

Saving a complete model tree

In order to store a model as well as its children, we need to perform the following tasks.

  1. Ensure the file paths of both the model and all of its children are set.
  2. Save the the models and its children recursively.

We need to ensure all file paths are set before we store the models, in order to resolve the actual file paths during the save operation. As such these two operations are done in separate steps.

Both of these tasks make use of the ModelTreeTraverser. It will traverse through any immediate file link model, and execute the pre and post functions for any file link. In case of task 1, it will generate the file paths if none is set. The save traversal uses the pre and post traverse functions to maintain the parent path used to resolve the relative file paths of any models. The post function is further used to actually write the model to file through a dedicated _save function.

Saving a sub-tree relative to some model tree

Saving a sub tree is in principle the same as calling save on the root model, but only a child model. One thing that should be taken into account is, the save is called relative to the current value in save_location. As such if changes were made to the filepath of a parent model, synchronize_filepaths should be called on the root model.

Saving individual models without their children

An individual model can be saved with the save and recurse set to False (i.e. the default behaviour). When this is done, only the model on which save was called will be written to disk at the current save_location.

Exporting / Save as

Exporting is currently not implemented, but will be as part of issue #170.

Extensions: Caveats to ensure your model plays nice with HYDROLIB-core

In the most common case, all of the file reading and writing is handled in the FileModel as such, just inheriting from the FileModel and providing the required parser and setting the _parser and _serializer will be enough to ensure your model works as expected. There might be however some exceptions to your model that require additional configuration. The file model provides several hooks for this:

For loading:

  • _post_init_load: function called after a model is initialised but before the current FileLoadContext is changed. This allows the user to put any actions here which require a FileLoadContext. Examples of this can be found in the DIMR and NetworkModel classes.
  • Overwrite __init__: We can overwrite the __init__ of a child the FileModel however some care needs to be taken in this case. In particular the __super__ needs to be called in order to ensure the model is loaded appropriately. Furthermore, if the FileLoadContext is required within the __init__, the file_load_context should be called before __super__:
def __init__(self, ...):
    with file_load_context() as context:
        # your code using the context

For saving:

  • _save: provides the save functionality called by the recursive saving of models. Overwriting this will allow you complete control over how the model is saved. An example of this can be found in the NetworkFile.
  • _serialize: provides the method to serialize your model. This can be overwritten in case a more specialised serialization is required, for example as done in IniBasedModel children.
  • self._resolved_filepath: will provide you with a resolved absolute version of the filepath. This only works in the context of _save and _serialize, as it relies on the context being started in the save method.
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