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List of D-HYDRO functionalities and support in HYDROLIB-core

Below is a list of D-HYDRO functionalities, grouped by kernel, and the current status of support inside hydrolib-core.


  • ✅ : All toplevel file contents can be read/written.
  • : Partial support, see notes.
  • : No support yet, but may come in future.
  • ❌ : No support foreseen. Out of scope.

* indicates a scheduled release that is not out yet.


Functionality Read Write Supported since API ref Notes
dimr_config.xml ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 DIMR Critical bugfix for #127.
FM component ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 FMComponent
RR component ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 RRComponent
RTC component
parallel MPI models ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Component
coupler elements ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Coupler


Functionality Read Write Supported since API ref Notes
MDU file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 FMModel
Network file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Mesh2d
Structure file 0.1.1 StructureModel
* Weir ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Weir
* Universal weir ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 UniversalWeir
* Culvert ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Culvert
* Long culvert ❌ ❌
* Bridge ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 Bridge
* Pump ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Pump
* Orifice ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Orifice
* Gate
* General structure ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 GeneralStructure
* Dambreak ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 Dambreak
* Compound structure ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Compound
External forcings file (old) ❌ ❌
External forcings file (new) ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 ExtModel
* Boundary ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Boundary
* Lateral ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 Lateral
* Meteo
* .bc file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 [ForcingModel][]
Cross section files ✅ ✅ Moved to io.crosssections in 0.2.0
Cross section definition file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 CrossDefModel
* Circle ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 CircleCrsDef
* Rectangle ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 RectangleCrsDef
* Tabulated river ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 ZWRiverCrsDef
* ZW (tabulated) ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 ZWCrsDef
* XYZ ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 XYZCrsDef
* YZ ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 YZCrsDef
Cross section location file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 CrossLocModel
1D roughness file ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 FrictionModel
Storage node file ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 StorageNodeModel
Spatial data files
Initial and parameter field file ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 IniFieldModel
1D field INI files ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 OneDFieldModel
Sample file ✅ ✅ 0.1.1 XYZModel
Observation station file (old) ❌ ❌
Observation station file (new)
Observation crosssection file (old) ❌ ❌
Observation crosssection file (new)
History file
Map file (old) ❌ ❌
Map file (UGRID)
Fourier input file ❌ ❌
Fourier output file via map file reader
Class map file via map file reader


Functionality Read Write Supported since API ref Notes
Main sobek_3b.fnm ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 RainfallRunoffModel Moved to io.rr in 0.2.0
Rainfall .bui file ✅ ✅ 0.1.5 BuiModel Moved to io.rr in 0.2.0
Topology layer
Node file ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 NodeFile
Link file ✅ ✅ 0.2.0 LinkFile

(Table source available on:

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