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Storage node .ini files

The storage node module provides the specific logic for accessing storage node files for a D-Flow FM model.

Generic parsing and serializing functionality comes from the generic modules.

A storage node .ini file is described by the classes below.


Interpolation (str, Enum)

Enum class containing the valid values for the interpolation type as used for a storage area table in StorageNode.

NodeType (str, Enum)

Enum class containing the valid values for the node type as used in StorageNode.

StorageNode (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A storage node that is included in the storage node file.

All lowercased attributes match with the storage node input as described in UM Sec.C.17.

StorageNodeGeneral (INIGeneral) pydantic-model

The storage node file's [General] section with file meta data.

StorageNodeModel (INIModel) pydantic-model

The overall storage node model that contains the contents of one storage node file.

This model is typically referenced under a FMModel.geometry.storagenodefile[..].


Name Type Description
general StorageNodeGeneral

[General] block with file metadata.

storagenode List[StorageNode]

List of [StorageNode] blocks for all storage nodes.

StorageType (str, Enum)

Enum class containing the valid values for the storage type as used in StorageNode.

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