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1D field INI files

The 1D field INI files contain the spatial input data for 1D network initial conditions for a D-Flow FM model.

Generic parsing and serializing functionality comes from the generic modules.

The 1D field INI file is represented by the classes below.


OneDFieldBranch (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [Branch] block for use inside a 1D field file.

Each block can define value(s) on a particular branch.

OneDFieldGeneral (INIGeneral) pydantic-model

The 1D field file's [General] section with file meta data.

OneDFieldGlobal (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

The [Global] block with a uniform value for use inside a 1D field file.

OneDFieldModel (INIModel) pydantic-model

The overall 1D field model that contains the contents of a 1D field file.

This model is typically used when a FMModel.geometry.inifieldfile[..].initial[..].datafiletype==DataFileType.onedfield.


Name Type Description
general OneDFieldGeneral

[General] block with file metadata.

global_ Optional[OneDFieldGlobal]

Optional [Global] block with uniform value.

branch List[OneDFieldBranch]

Definitions of [Branch] field values.

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