Tutorial D-Geo Flow

  1. The model data should be set. This can be done by initializing the class DGeoFlowModel.

from geolib.models.dgeoflow import DGeoFlowModel

dm = DGeoFlowModel()

2. Choose a calculation, from the CalculationTypeEnum and set it to the model.

from geolib.models.dgeoflow.internal import CalculationTypeEnum

  1. We can then create a Soil and add it to the model. Refer to Tutorial Soils for more information.

from geolib.soils import Soil

# add soil
soil = Soil()
soil.name = "Peat"
soil.code = "HV"
soil.storage_parameters.horizontal_permeability = 0.01
soil.storage_parameters.vertical_permeability = 0.01
soil_peat_id = dm.add_soil(soil)
  1. Afterwards we create several layers and choose a soil for them.

from geolib.geometry import Point

# add layers
layer_1 = [
    Point(x=-50, z=-10),
    Point(x=50, z=-10),
    Point(x=50, z=-20),
    Point(x=-50, z=-20),
layer_2 = [
    Point(x=-50, z=-5),
    Point(x=50, z=-5),
    Point(x=50, z=-10),
    Point(x=-50, z=-10),
layer_3 = [
    Point(x=-50, z=0),
    Point(x=-10, z=0),
    Point(x=30, z=0),
    Point(x=50, z=0),
    Point(x=50, z=-5),
    Point(x=-50, z=-5),
embankment = [
    Point(x=-10, z=0),
    Point(x=0, z=2),
    Point(x=10, z=2),
    Point(x=30, z=0),

layers_and_soils = [
    (layer_1, "Sand"),
    (layer_2, "H_Ro_z&k"),
    (layer_3, "HV"),
    (embankment, "H_Aa_ht_old"),

[dm.add_layer(points, soil) for points, soil in layers_and_soils]
  1. With the geometry defined, let’s add the boundary conditions.

river_boundary_id = dm.add_boundary_condition(
    [Point(x=-50, z=0), Point(x=-10, z=0)], 17, "River"
dm.add_boundary_condition([Point(x=30, z=0), Point(x=50, z=0)], 0, "Polder")
  1. You can now set the calculation settings.

from geolib.models.dgeoflow.internal import PipeTrajectory, ErosionDirectionEnum, PersistablePoint

# Set a pipe trajectory
        Points=[PersistablePoint(X=30, Z=0), PersistablePoint(X=-10, Z=0)],

# Set the river boundary to be the critical boundary condition

# Set the critical head search parameters
    minimum_head_level=17, maximum_head_level=18

To run the model first the model needs to be serialized. To do that define a output file name and call the function serialize().

from pathlib import Path


Finally the execute function can be called to run the model in D-Geo Flow.
