Tutorial 4: Combining 2 fragility curves for different scenario’s.

We consider the slope reliability with a relatively thin blanket layer.

In the base case, the blanket layer has a strength, but in case of uplift the strength reduces (to 0). For the latter, a scenario is calculated with c/ph=0 in the uplift zone.

The water level at which uplift happens is uncertain. At low water levels, the probability of uplift (and strength reduction) is rather low, whereas at high water levels, the probability of uplift is high (and thus the c/phi=0 scenario).

Import necessary python packages

import json # for reading fragility curves in D-Stability .json format
import numpy as np # for array calculations
import scipy.stats as st # for statisitcal functions
import pandas as pd # for reading excel files
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # for linear inter- and extrapolation outside the range
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting

Load base class for Fragility curve operations

# A class for importing DStability Fragility curves
class DStabilityFragilityCurve:

    # A static method in a class can be used without the the class-data.
    # This method densifies and extrapolates a fragility curve
    def densify_extrapolate(x, y, xrange, xdelta, fill_value='extrapolate'):
        xnew = np.arange(xrange[0], xrange[1] + xdelta, xdelta)
        f = interp1d(x, y, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value)
        ynew = f(xnew)
        return xnew, ynew

    def __init__(self, label, filename):
        - stores the given label
        - loads the json as raw data
        - initiates the preprocess_rawdata() method
        self.Label = label
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            self.rawdata = json.load(f)

    def preprocess_rawdata(self):
        - preprocesses the raw data into a structure
        self.FragilityPoints = self.rawdata.get('Calculations')
        self.Stochasts = self.rawdata.get('Stochasts')
        self.Correlations = self.rawdata.get('Correlations')

        self.h = [point.get('WaterLevel') for point in self.FragilityPoints]
        self.b = [point.get('Beta') for point in self.FragilityPoints]

        # Make dictionary for translating Stochast Id to Label
        self.stochasts = {}
        for stochast in self.Stochasts:
            if stochast.get('ParameterType') == 'ModelFactor':
                self.stochasts.update({stochast.get('Id'): stochast.get('ParameterType')})
                self.stochasts.update({stochast.get('Id'): stochast.get('ParameterType') +
                                       '.' + stochast.get('Label')})

        for fragilitypoint in self.FragilityPoints:
            for contribution in fragilitypoint.get('Contributions'):
                contribution.update({'Name': self.stochasts.get(contribution.get('Stochast'))})

        # cleanup for alpha values
        self.alphas = {}
        drop_list = [correlation_item.get('Stochast2') for correlation_item in self.Correlations]
        for unique_stochast_name in set([val for key, val in self.stochasts.items()]):
            alphas = [contribution['Alpha'] for point in self.FragilityPoints
                      for contribution in point.get('Contributions')
                      if (self.stochasts[contribution.get('Stochast')] == unique_stochast_name
                          and contribution.get('Stochast') not in drop_list ) ]
            self.alphas.update({unique_stochast_name: alphas})
            # final cleanup
            self.alphas = {key: val for key, val in self.alphas.items() if val}

    def get_scenario_probability(self, file):
        Import the scenario probabliity (weights) from excel file.
        Note the column headers match the labels of the fragility curve
        in the format P({self.Label})
        scenario_probability_data = pd.read_excel(file)
        self.scenario_h = np.array(scenario_probability_data['h'], dtype=float)
        self.scenario_p = np.array(scenario_probability_data[f'P({self.Label})'], dtype=float)

    def set_extrapolation_range_and_density(self, range_h, delta_h ):
        self.range_h = range_h
        self.delta_h = delta_h

    def densify_extrapolate_fc(self):
        # For the beta's
        self.H, self.B = DStabilityFragilityCurve.densify_extrapolate(self.h,
        # For the alpha's
        for unique_stochast_name, alphas in self.alphas.items():
            H, Alphas = DStabilityFragilityCurve.densify_extrapolate(self.h,
            self.alphas.update({unique_stochast_name: alphas})
            self.Alphas.update({unique_stochast_name: Alphas})

    def densify_extrapolate_scenario_probability(self, logarithmic=True):
        if logarithmic:
            self.scenario_p[self.scenario_p<(1e-9)] = 1e-9
            self.scenario_p[self.scenario_p>(1-1e-9)] = 1-1e-9

            self.H, self.P = DStabilityFragilityCurve.densify_extrapolate(self.scenario_h,
            self.P = pd.Series(10.**self.P).bfill().ffill().to_numpy()
            self.H, self.P = DStabilityFragilityCurve.densify_extrapolate(self.scenario_h,

Code for plotting

def plot_fragility_curves(FC_list, figures_to_plot):
    # Instantiate a figure with a specified size
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax2 = ax.twinx()

    # Set the axis labels and title
    ax.set_xlabel('Water level, h')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Reliability index, $\beta$')
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'Scenario probability, P')

    def plot_fragility_points(fig, h, b, label, color):
        # Add the fragility points to the figure
        ax.plot(h, b, color=color, marker='o', markersize=10, linestyle='none',
                label=f'Fragility Points {label}' )

    def plot_extrapolated_fragility_curve(fig, h, b, label, color):
        # Add the fragility curve to the figure
        ax.plot(h, b, color=color,  marker='+', linestyle='-',
                label=f'Extrapolated Fragility Curve {label}')

    def plot_scenario_probability(fig, h, p, label, color):
        # Add the scenario probability to the figure
        # ax2.stackplot(h, p)
        ax2.plot(h, p, color=color,  marker='None', linestyle=':',
                 label=f'Scenario Probability {label}')

    colors = ['tab:blue','tab:orange','tab:green','tab:red','tab:purple',

    for i, FC in enumerate(FC_list):
        c = colors[i]
        if 1 in figures_to_plot:
            plot_fragility_points(fig, FC.h, FC.b, label=FC.Label, color=c)
        if 2 in figures_to_plot:
            plot_extrapolated_fragility_curve(fig, h=FC.H, b=FC.B, label=FC.Label, color=c)
        if 3 in figures_to_plot:
            plot_scenario_probability(fig, h=FC.H, p=FC.P, label=FC.Label, color=c)

    return fig, ax

Load fragility curves, create DStabilityFragilityCurve objects, and save in list

fragility_curves_list = [ ('FC_basis','FC_tutorial_basis.json' ),
                           ('FC_cphi0','FC_tutorial_cphi0.json' )]
FC_list = []
for (fc_label, filename) in fragility_curves_list:
    FC = DStabilityFragilityCurve(fc_label, filename)
    FC_list.append( FC )

Plot the fragility points

# Create the figure
fig, ax = plot_fragility_curves(FC_list, [1])
# Show the figure

Extrapolate fragility curves linearly along the given range, with the given discretisation

range_h = [8,14]
delta_h = 0.05

for FC in FC_list:
    FC.set_extrapolation_range_and_density(range_h, delta_h)

Plot the extrapolated fragility curves

# Create the figure
fig, ax = plot_fragility_curves(FC_list, [1,2])
# Show the figure

Load the water level dependent scenario probability and densify and extrapolate

for FC in FC_list:
    # Note we linearly extrapolate the logarithmic values of the probability

Sanity checks:

# Check if all arrays in the list are identical
h_array_identical = all(all(array.H == FC_list[0].H) for array in FC_list)

# Check if all scenario probabilies sum to 1 with precision 0.001
sum_to_one_bool = np.abs(np.nansum( [FC.P for FC in FC_list], axis=0) -1 ) < 1e-3
scenarios_exhaustive = all(sum_to_one_bool)

if not h_array_identical:
    print("Arrays in the list are not identical. Correct the extrapolation bounds")
if not scenarios_exhaustive:
    print("Scenario probabilies do not sum to 1.0. I.e. the scenarios are not \n"
    "collectively exhaustive. Correct the scenario probabilities.")
    for FC in FC_list:

Plot the scenario probabilities

# Create the figure
fig, ax = plot_fragility_curves(FC_list, [1,2,3])\
# Show the figure

The combination of 2 fragility curves

if h_array_identical and scenarios_exhaustive:
    # Combine all curves with the respective scenario probabilities
    Pf_combined = np.sum( [FC.P * st.norm.cdf(- FC.B ) for FC in FC_list], axis=0)
    beta_combined = -1*st.norm.ppf(Pf_combined)
    h_combined = FC_list[0].H

    # Get weighted alpha's for all unique stochasts

    for FC in FC_list:

    for unique_stochast_name in set(stochast_names):
        alpha_combined = np.nansum(
            [FC.P * FC.Alphas[unique_stochast_name] for FC in FC_list], axis=0)

    normalization_factor = np.nansum(
        [arr**2 for key, arr in alphas_combined.items()],axis=0)

    for key,arr in alphas_combined.items():

    if not all(np.abs(np.nansum(
        [arr**2 for key, arr in alphas_combined.items()],axis=0)-1) < 1e-3) :
        print('Something is wrong with the normalization of alpha-factors')

Plot the combined fragility curve

fig, ax = plot_fragility_curves(FC_list, [1,2,3])
ax.plot(h_combined, beta_combined, color='k', linestyle='-', label='Combined Fragility Curve')

Save the combined fragility curve to json (e.g. to import in the Probabilistic Toolkit)

# Store the combined fragility curve to json.
alpha_values = []
stochasts = []
for stochast_name, arr in alphas_combined.items():
    stop = False
    while not stop:
        for FC in FC_list:
            while not stop:
                for stochast in FC.Stochasts:
                    if stochast['ParameterType']+"."+stochast['Label'] == stochast_name:
                        stochast['Id'] = str(i)
                        stop = True
                    elif stochast['ParameterType'] == 'ModelFactor' and \
                                     stochast_name == 'ModelFactor':
                        stochast['Id'] = str(i)
                        stop = True

json_out = {"Calculations": [{"Label":"FC combined",
                              "Contributions":[{'Stochast': str(i),
                                                'Alpha':a} for i,a in enumerate(alphas)]
                             } for h,b,alphas in zip(h_combined,
            "Stochasts":    stochasts ,
            "Correlations": []}

with open('Combined_FC.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(json_out, f, indent=2)