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In this tutorial we will walk through the basics of creating a 1D model input from a 2D model.

To use , we need at least two input files:

  • 2DMapOutput
  • CrossSectionLocationFile

in this tutorial we will use the test data bundled with the package. You will find this in the source directory:

# 2DMapOutput
# CrossSectionLocationFile

This case is a simple 2D compound channel model.

Create a new project

To start a new project:

from fm2prof.IniFile import IniFile

inifile = IniFile().print_configuration()
ini_path = f"MyProject.ini"

with open(ini_path, "w") as f:
FM2PROF create MyProject

This will create a valid configuration file with all parameters set to their default values.

Modify the input

For the purpose of this tutorial, move the 2D model simulation file to [input]{.title-ref}. This is not a requirement - you can refer to any location on your pc.

Open the configuration file with your favorite text editor and change the following two settings to your input data:

2DMapOutput                   =         # Output file from FM2D model (.net file)
CrossSectionLocationFile      =           # .csv or .txt file (, as delimiter) that contains four columns: X_coordinate,Y_coordinate,BranchName,Length,Chainage.

To be sure you used the correct data, run:

from fm2prof import Project

project = Project("MyProject.ini")
FM2PROF check MyProject

Study the output. Errors indicate that something is wrong with your input. In that case, you will need to correct the configurationfile.


You should also see a print-out of the configuration file. These are the settings that will be used and can be altered using a config file. The configuration file does not need all parameters to be specified. If a parameter is not in the configuration file, default values will be used.

The following examples run FM2PROF, overwrite any existing results and produce figures of the generated cross-sections.

from fm2prof import Project
from fm2prof.utils import VisualiseOutput

# load project
project = Project("MyProject.ini")

# overwrite = True overwrites any existing output

# to visualize cross-sectino putput:
vis = VisualiseOutput(

for css in vis.cross_sections:
FM2PROF run MyProject -o -p

All outputFiles are written to the output directory specified in the FM2PROF configuration file.

After generating output it is important to check whether everything went well. See the following links to learn more about available tools: