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Getting started


FM2PROF is a package written in Python. If you're familiar with Python, you can install FM2PROF with pip, the Python package manager. If not, we recommend the executable.

With pip

FM2PROF is published as a Python package and can be installed with pip, ideally by using a virtual environment and using Python 3.10 or higher. Open up a terminal and install FM2PROF with:

pip install fm2prof
pip install fm2prof="2.2.8"
pip install fm2prof --upgrade

This will also install compatible versions of all dependencies like numpy, and pandas.


FM2PROF is compiled to an executable for Windows (version 1.5.4 and higher). Download them from Releases on the Github home page.

The executable provides a command line interface (CLI). To use it, make sure it is available in your Path. To view available options, open a Terminal and type:

FM2PROF --help


The first time you call the executable, it may take a long time to produce results. This is because your OS needs to unpack the executable.