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This is brief guide on how to contribute to the code. This guide is written for Deltares developers. At the moment, we are not accepting external pull requests.

Set up development environment

Dependency management

We use poetry to manage the package and dependencies. Follow their instructions on how to install poetry on your system. After that, installing all dependencies is as simple as

poetry install

Virtual environment management

It is good practice to isolate your development environment from other python installations. There are various tools to do this. We recommend pyenv (for Linux or MacOS) or pyenv-win (for Windows).

Style & documentation conventions

We use ruff for linting and code formatting. Documentation is based on mkdocs] and mkdocstringds. Numpy, sphinx and google-style docstrings are supported, but when writing new code please use Google-style docstring syntax

To support documentation for multiple versions, we use the mike preprocessor. See "How to make a new release" below on how to use mike.


Locally test

To run tests locally, use pytest:

poetry run pytest --cov=fm2prof

To check coverage:

poetry run pytest --cov=fm2prof

Automatic test

Automatic tests are run on each pull request and push. A PR cannot be merged unless all tests are passing.


Locally build executable (optional)

To build a local version of an FM2PROF executable, run:

poetry run pyinstaller FM2PROF_WINDOWS.spec


Executables are no longer automatically made since fm2prof was published on pypi

How to make a new release

Publishing a new release takes some steps.

Tag your version

After merging a PR to master, first make a new tag. Using version v2.3.0 as an example, a tag can be made via the terminal:

git tag v2.3.0

Make a new release

Use Github interface to draft a new release using the appropriate. Document all changes since the previous version. If possible, refer to Github Issues.

Update the documentation

We use mike as a pre-processor for mkdocs. To update the documentation for a new release, use the following line in a terminal:

poetry run mike deploy 2.3.0 latest -u

This will build the documentation for a specific version (e.g. 2.3.0 for version v2.3.0). The keyword latest will set this to be the default version. The flag -u will overwrite any existing documentation for this versino.

Finally, you need to push the documentation to github. First, checkout the documentation branch

git checkout gh-pages

and then push changes to github

git push

The documentation is hosted on github pages, no other steps are necessary.