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Meuse (2D) case on Potamogeton spp. habitat suitability

Based on the knowledgerules available through the KRW-Verkenner Rijkswateren the aquatic plant species Long-leaf pond weed (Potamogeton nodosus) and Sago pondweed (Potamogeton spectinatus) the criteria for flow velocity and water depth were applied to a predictive hydrodynamic scenario of the Meuse river. Based on these knowledge rules the habitat suitability for both species was assessed. The results of P. nodosus has been shown below.

WetenschappelijkeNaam Compartiment VariabeleNaam Eenheid Ondergrens Bovengrens
Potamogeton nodosus Omgeving GemDiepte m 0,05 2
Potamogeton nodosus Water Stroomsnelheid m/s 0 2
Potamogeton nodosus Water Droogval Categorie 1 2
Potamogeton pectinatus Omgeving GemDiepte m 0,05 10
Potamogeton pectinatus Water Stroomsnelheid m/s 0 2,5
Potamogeton pectinatus Water Droogval Categorie 1 2

Habitat suitability criteria for flow velocity, water depth and desiccation for Potamogeton nodosus and Potamogeton pectinatus.
