
WflowSedimentModel.setup_gauges(gauges_fn: str | Path | GeoDataFrame, index_col: str | None = None, snap_to_river: bool | None = True, mask: ndarray | None = None, snap_uparea: bool | None = False, max_dist: float | None = 10000.0, wdw: int | None = 3, rel_error: float | None = 0.05, abs_error: float = 50.0, fillna: bool = False, derive_subcatch: bool | None = False, basename: str | None = None, toml_output: str | None = 'csv', gauge_toml_header: List[str] | None = ['Q', 'TSS'], gauge_toml_param: List[str] | None = ['lateral.river.q_riv', 'lateral.river.SSconc'], **kwargs)[source]#

Set a gauge map based on gauges_fn data.

This function directly calls the setup_gauges function of the WflowModel, see py:meth:hydromt_wflow.wflow.WflowModel.setup_gauges for more details.

The only differences are the default values for the arguments:

  • gauge_toml_header defaults to [“Q”, “TSS”]

  • gauge_toml_param defaults to [“lateral.river.q_riv”,
